Matching is easy, fair, and rewarding!
Here's what you need to know about how it works:
First, why a matching system?
The matching system achieves 3 main goals:
✔️ Reward Pro Sellers with lots based on their performance
✔️ Help new Pros get off the ground quickly
✔️ Provide clients with the highest success rate
How does matching work for Pros?
New lots drop every weekday at 6PM EST
Apply to be matched with the lots you like simply by setting your commission
The app will match lots with Pros based on their overall performance at 9AM EST (more on this below)
Once matched with a lot, provide price estimates for your potential client to review
The client accepts your application and ships the lot to you. (Shipping is 100% free to you as a Pro)
How can I increase my chances of being matched?
The better your performance and results with clients on Flyp, the more often you’ll be matched and the better the lots you will win. New Pros are encouraged to apply to lower competition lots initially to build up their performance. Check out the full list of tips for winning more lots.
Here are the key factors that go into matching:
🏆 Sold ratio: Aim to sell most of the items you get in a timely manner. Your sold ratio is the biggest factor in matching.
💸 Commission: Set reasonable commissions. More attractive lots may require more competitive commissions.
🎯 Price estimates accuracy: Provide reasonable price estimates that you can deliver on. No estimates are perfect, after all, they are estimates. But estimates accuracy plays an important part of your stats.
📩 Responsiveness rate: Respond to clients in a timely manner, and keep a high response rate.
🕑 Timely payments: Make payments within reasonable timeframes and avoid failed payments.
⭐️ Ratings: Flyp collects ratings privately from your clients, the better ratings increase your matching chances.
What if I’m a new Pro and have no stats on Flyp yet?
The Flyp matching system is designed to help new Pros land their first few lots. For new Pros, we recommend activating Boost Mode or applying to lots with less competition initially. Once you have your first few lots, start selling and delivering results to boost your stats and start winning more and better lots. Check out the full list of tips for winning more lots.
Are performance stats visible publicly?
No, this information is kept private in the background only for matching purposes and is not publicly visible to clients or pros. We realize you may want to see your stats, but these stats always change and improve as your performance improves, so don't worry about the exact numbers and focus on delivering great results and continuously being the best reseller you can be.
What if I run into an issue with a lot/client that may affect my stats?
We realize that things don’t always go in a straight line, and we designed the matching system to be fair and accommodating. For instance we made it so that items that arrive damaged or missing will not impact your score negatively. We also exclude lots in instances where the items had to be returned for other reasons outside the control of the Pro Seller. Fairness is key here, no reseller left behind.
What about clients who want to work with me again? How do I get matched with them?
Flyp is all about creating a returning clientele. This is why if a client wants to work with you on a new lot, they will have the option to invite you to be prioritized for matching.